Shanti’s Retreat Offerings
How To Step Into Spring & Break The Stress Cycle by Francesca Durham
When your stress levels reach an all time high, listen to your body because it knows when to feed your soul. Quiet time to decompress, gain clarity and perspective is necessary for healthy conscious living.
Staying calm and peaceful for most people is not an issue. However, staying focused day after day, meetings, deadlines, multi tasking, flexing between projects, emails, relationships and constant technology interruptions will eventually take their toll. There comes a time when you need to disconnect from it all, break the stress cycle, and return to a place of inner peace.
When’s the last time you invested in yourself? Well, there’s no time like the present to do just that. My recent discovery of Shanti Retreat located on Wolfe Island, a Ferry’s ride across the water from Kingston, certainly left an impression. More important, it reminded me how necessary it is to take care of oneself. The best way to break the stress cycle so you really can step into Spring starts with listening to the call for R&R. Shanti retreat makes a perfect weekend or mid-week getaway.
Run by co-creators Wendy and Darin, Shanti is a hidden gem on the island. I learned this tranquil retreat is frequented by many clients who return year after year. And, the staff are some of the kindest most warm hearted people you’ll ever meet.
I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves. Just remember, it’s never to late to step into Spring. What matters most is believing wholeheartedly you’re worth it.

by Francesca Durham
Date Added: May 18, 2016 | Comments (0) | Filed under: Living Seasonally & Locally,Living with Yoga,Shanti's Retreat Offerings,Uncategorized,Whole Foods Living
A very moving weekend was had by all this past weekend at Shanti. Angela Jervis-Read of Toronto joined us for her second season at Shanti and brought with her the beautiful offering and gift of yin yoga. Yin yoga is a slower paced style of yoga with asanas held for longer periods of time. Its teaching in the west was found by the martial arts expert and Taoist yoga teacher Paulie Zink, who has definitely contributed to allowing for a more relaxed and nourished society through this practice. Yin poses apply only moderate stress to the body’s connective tissues, tendons, fascia and ligaments, with the intention of increasing the circulation of the joints and increasing flexibility.
Yin is described as “a more meditative approach to yoga. [Yin] aims at cultivating awareness of inner silence, and bringing to light a universal, interconnecting quality,” and is intended “not as a complete practice in itself, but rather as a complement to more active forms of yoga and exercise – yang.”
Appropriately, the weekend was rather rainy, a beautiful symbol of yin, allowing guests to surrender entirely into yin; the feminine, more passive, more curious side of Life, allowing emotions and feelings to arise up to the surface and to wash away with the rain’s river. Mother Nature always has a way with arranging herself, giving us all what best serves us, moment by moment. She knows.

In from the rain, guests helped us out with our labyrinth project by painting a rock to contribute. An inspired set of 11 or 12 yoginis from the group painted the afternoon away over good conversation, relaxation, tea, and a slice of the best gluten free banana bread that I think I’ve ever tasted. Stay tuned for this recipe…
A relaxing and rainy Sunday afternoon, here we are, another retreat has come and gone, flown in and flown out. Thank you to Angela and all of your guests for your receptivity through this weekend to the gift of yin. I am truly yin’spired.

Look for Angela back at Shanti the same weekend next year, and also for a mid-week retreat in the Autumn.
P.S. If you haven’t practiced yin yoga with Kim Eng’s DVD Presence Through Movement: Yin Yoga, I highly suggest you to allow her yin to inspire and change and mold your yin. We sell it here at the Shanti Boutique for $27.50+HST.
The Shanti Family
Date Added: May 15, 2016 | Comments (0) | Filed under: Living with Yoga,Shanti's Retreat Offerings,Uncategorized
Infused with Fusion Wellness
What a magical full moon weekend retreat here at Shanti. After the recent fullness of Mother Moon, guests this weekend of Cobourg’s Fusion Wellness for sure feel the gentle afterglow. This weekend’s offering was truly a tour and journey through the chakras. Last night’s yoga practice in the yurt, lit mystically, we explored the upper chakras through inversions to the body, promoting a fine tuned mind body soul connection.
It was beautiful to witness how open everyone was this weekend, especially since only 1 of the guests this weekend had been here before – Tera, one of the facilitators, who was at Maria Carr’s weekend last year, who will be here this coming weekend hosting her annual Shanti offering. All guests, of all ages and walks of life, had this sense of curiosity and willingness to be open to the gifts of the offerings. Contentment and satisfaction; everyone departing with a smile, a sweetness in their eyes.

Chefs Landon and Mike graced the Shanti kitchen with their presence yet again this weekend with some delicious eats and treats. Last night they presented us with our infamous Shanti Cheesy Nut Loaf (in our cookbook!), alongside honey roasted carrots and pickled beets, both from Okee’s Farm on Wolfe Island, roasted green beans and slivered almonds, and a delicious mixed green salad with our favourite Shanti house dressing – everybody’s true love. Dessert? Sweet and citrus bliss balls last night, and before that, our second round of chocolate and sea salted almonds. We’re slowly working these into perfection, let me tell you.
Guests were gifted a variety of different beads through the weekend, each colour bead corresponding to each chakra’s colour, and this morning before our blueberry hot cake brunch, everyone got to create a mala bead bracelet, arranging their beads in unique ways as a take home, a reminder, of this weekend’s blessings. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, white….
Thank you, Fusion, and we will see you this time next year!
Shanti Retreat
Date Added: April 24, 2016 | Comments (0) | Filed under: Green Living,Living with Yoga,Shanti's Retreat Offerings,Whole Foods Living
One Fall Day at Shanti
So, you’ve decided to take retreat in the cooler months with us here at Shanti. What a gift to give to yourself. Upon your arrival, settle in and create warmth in the body in your yoga class before enjoying a fall harvest meal. Prepare your taste buds… sweet potato and squash stew, spicy vegetarian chili with garden herb biscuits, cheesy nut loaf with mushroom gravy. We’ve got lots to share.

On Saturday morning, perhaps rise a little earlier to join the sun for a refreshing fall walk in nature or here through our labyrinth. Breathe in the crispy climate and allow yourself to feel so nourished by your environment, appreciating these cooler times to the fullest. During your free time, we encourage you to make up a big cup of everyone’s favourite Bengal Spice tea, and to snuggle into a chair by the fire for a good read. Perhaps take another walk as the sun slowly begins to set, or relax into our infra-red sauna, sweating the autumnal chills from your bones, creating heat from the inside out, before resting into sleep.

On Sunday before you depart, get bundled up and perhaps have a sit by the trees to enjoy the Great Oak and Wonderful Willow dancing in these chilly breezes, truly taking in how serene these times can be once we surrender to the incoming and release the outgoing.
Autumn is the perfect time to give thanks for all that spring and summer brought into your life, and to refresh your connections with loved ones as you together prepare for the nourishing winter hibernation.
By Andrew Burrows
Date Added: October 3, 2015 | Comments (0) | Filed under: Living with Yoga,Shanti's Retreat Offerings,Uncategorized
Tapping Into the Infinite Supply of Energy- A transformative Reiki Retreat with Brett Bevell
On July 13th, Brett Bevell – alongside his lovely wife and newborn – arrived on the island from the Omega Institute area in New York. Brett is an incredible reiki master and spiritual healer who has graced this planet to spread well being to all whom he meets. He is the founder of the Magical Awakening Institute and is also a world renowned poet and author – of The Reiki Magic Guide to Self Attunement, among others.
From the 13th to the 15th, while participating in a retreat with Wendy and Darin, guests had the chance to experience Brett’s offerings directly. He began on the Monday evening with a group healing session in our yurt right before bed, which really set the tone for the retreat. On Tuesday, guests were attuned to the energy, enabling them to give both themselves and others treatments.
Guests worked in pairs experimenting with sending each other energy, and experienced what it was like to allow this infinite supply of universal energy to flow through them. “I could feel her hands on my head before she even touched me,” one guest remarked. “Her hands were so hot, and when the treatment started, I felt such a sense of peace and calm.” Little do a lot of us know that this energy is readily available to us. All we have to do is become present, become aware of our breath, believe, and let it flow.
Before Brett left, he collected e-mails addresses of the guests to send them recordings of his sound healings on his SoundCloud. This man is truly a magical man, and if ever you get the chance to meet and experience Brett Bevell, do exactly this!
For more information on Brett, reiki, and the Magical Awakening Institute, you can visit his website at
Date Added: July 27, 2015 | Comments (0) | Filed under: Living with Yoga,Shanti's Retreat Offerings
Eat the Rainbow..and feel the prana! July’s Conscious Cooking Retreat with Darin, Wendy and RHN Lacey Budge
On July 17th, Wendy and Darin hosted a summer retreat, alongside Shanti’s manager and Registered Holistic Nutritionist Miss Lacey Budge, who shared a series of workshops on Conscious Cooking. Guests were invited to reflect on the effects of food choices on the physical body, as well as the energetic, mental and spiritual bodies, as well as the planet.

With such a rich and colourful harvest from both our organic garden and the garden over at Okee’s Farm on the island, guests practiced eating locally, seasonally, and… intuitively eating the rainbow: red peppers, orange carrots, yellow beans, green herbs, blue-berries, purple cabbage, white radishes – a chakra salad indeed!
This weekend we also had our largest group out for the Sunday morning walking meditation with Darin! About 20 guests awoke early to feel the peace around the big and beautiful tree just out front with the swing. Inhale… Exhale… Left foot… Right foot… Nowhere to be but here. Each step, cultivating stillness, awareness, and loving kindness with Mother Earth. It is a beautiful time of year to be outside, to Simply Be.

With our labyrinth almost complete, guests also had the opportunity to continue this walking meditation through the labyrinth, beginning at the beginning and making their way all the way through to the center in meditation.

By Andrew Burrows
Date Added: | Comments (0) | Filed under: Living Seasonally & Locally,Shanti's Retreat Offerings
Creating Sacred Space: building a labyrinth (and community!)
The Labyrinth is here and is bringing everyone together!
This project has been an idea of Darin and Wendy’s for quite some time, and this year it is manifesting (and fast!). “We always thought it would be a beautiful addition to the property, and we have been recently re-inspired after traveling and spending time in other communities and retreat centers such as the Omega Institute, COSM and Esalen, who also have beautiful labyrinths,” shares Wendy.
In the spring of 2015, 2 of Shanti’s retreat guests shared that they themselves have a labyrinth at their property just outside of Kingston, and recommended a local Reverand from Kingston whose passion and hobby is to create authentic labyrinths.
We contacted him the next day, and invited him over to take a look at our property. After choosing an appropriate location and size, we got the project underway.

We began by placing down a large plastic sheet on the grass (to prevent future weed growth) and covered it with wood chips ….a lot of them! We are so grateful to friends on the island who helped us bring in so many chips to cover the area.
It was 2 days of raking these piles to get them down to an even layer. It was a time consuming task, but one that brought the Shanti team together (and even got us singing together!). “It was a really hot day, but felt so good to be working outside in nature, and working together as a team. We had a short window to get it done, and we did it!” shares Lacey.

The next step was to welcome back Reverand Drew from Kingston to mark down the design. “The design we chose was the replicate of the Chartres in France,” explains Darin, “it is one of the most well known patterns, and found in the Chartres Cathedral.”

After the pattern was laid out, Darin picked up several loads of rocks and then it was time to start unloading…one trailer at a time. “This was my favorite part, it was not arduous at all, but so calming. I repeated a mantra and placed each rock with intention” shares Wendy.

Many rocks were painted by guests as a part of the 2015 summer art project. The guest’s rocks are all unique and painted with awareness, and will remain a part of Shanti forever! While we were out placing the rocks, some of our neighbors came down and also placed some rocks. This labyrinth is truly bringing people together!

We look forward to welcoming you back to Shanti so that you may walk your first steps in our labyrinth. It will be there for anyone looking for a few minutes of stillness, to reflect, to walk the path inward. Darin will also lead walking meditations through this sacred symbol during Shanti’s Retreats. ”
Final photo coming soon!
So what is a labyrinth anyway?
“A labyrinth is an ancient symbol that relates to wholeness. It combines the imagery of the circle and the spiral into a meandering but purposeful path. The Labyrinth represents a journey to our own center and back again out into the world. Labyrinths have long been used as meditation and prayer tools.
A labyrinth is an archetype with which we can have a direct experience. We can walk it. It is a metaphor for life’s journey. It is a symbol that creates a sacred space and place and takes us out of our ego to “That Which Is Within.”
Labyrinths and mazes have often been confused. When most people hear of a labyrinth they think of a maze. A labyrinth is not a maze. A maze is like a puzzle to be solved. It has twists, turns, and blind alleys. It is a left brain task that requires logical, sequential, analytical activity to find the correct path into the maze and out.
A labyrinth has only one path. It is unicursal. The way in is the way out. There are no blind alleys. The path leads you on a circuitous path to the center and out again.
A labyrinth is a right brain task. It involves intuition, creativity, and imagery. With a maze many choices must be made and an active mind is needed to solve the problem of finding the center. With a labyrinth there is only one choice to be made. The choice is to enter or not. A more passive, receptive mindset is needed. The choice is whether or not to walk a spiritual path.
At its most basic level the labyrinth is a metaphor for the journey to the center of your deepest self and back out into the world with a broadened understanding of who you are.” Source:
“Your life is a sacred journey. And it is about change, growth, discovery, movement, transformation, continuously expanding your vision of what is possible, stretching your soul, learning to see clearly and deeply, listening to your intuition, taking courageous challenges at every step along the way. You are on the path… exactly where you are meant to be right now… And from here, you can only go forward, shaping your life story into a magnificent tale of triumph, of healing of courage, of beauty, of wisdom, of power, of dignity, and of love.”
Caroline Adams
By Lacey B.
Date Added: July 12, 2015 | Comments (0) | Filed under: Living with Yoga,Shanti's Retreat Offerings
Meeting you where you are at: a weekend retreat with dallas from studio 330

This past weekend marks dallas delahunt’s 10th consecutive year of retreats at Shanti. The beautiful (and fierce!) dallas from just across the ferry in Kingston has been celebrating all things yoga with us just after our first location in Prince Edward County came to be.
Guests love the flavour of her retreat offerings; you can always count on carefully crafted playlists in class (with lots of acoustic versions of well known songs), neat and playful workshops (arm balancing and headstands), and she never fails to bring along a bundle of goods for her guests. This time, we were all gifted hand made salty coconut lime body scrubs in miniature mason jars and oodles of home made chocolate covered almonds.
During dallas’ retreats, you can expect to be totally pampered and catered to. All of her classes and all of its sequences, vinyasas and postures are made very clearly optional, as she invites her students to continuously check into the needs of their bodies time and time again. She always takes the desires of her students into consideration. She teaches to all shapes and all sizes, to every yogi with a will to jump on the mat, regardless of where they’re at on their path and in their journey.
Yoga is for every-body. It’s heart warming to know her studio in Kingston is just a ferry ride away. If you ever get the chance to roll through Kingston, be sure to make Studio 330 (330 Princess St) a priority. This unique community and warm space created by dallas is like no other you will find, truly, and we are lucky that she brings this vibe with her to the Island.
Many thanks, and much much much love to you, dallas. See you again in August!
By Andrew Burrows, Karma yogi extraordinaire at Shanti Retreat
Date Added: July 11, 2015 | Comments (0) | Filed under: Living with Yoga,Shanti's Retreat Offerings
It’s an annual tradition: Celebrating Canada Day with a Retreat!
To celebrate Canada Day and what appears to be the official arrival of summer, Wendy and Darin hosted a mid-week retreat, June 30th through until July 2nd.
Highlights of this retreat were the delicious meals (And desserts!), the spectacular fireworks, and the afternoon art project (see more pictures). We collected rocks from the island and painted them white, then guests had the opportunity to spend a few hours relaxing and painting. All of the rocks that were painted are now contributions to Shanti. Into the gardens they go, and into our soon-to-be labyrinth!

The evening of Canada Day, we were graced with a beautiful Canadian coconut cornmeal cake by Chef Sheran, who created a Canada flag upon it made of fresh raspberries. After dessert, we all head to the dock to watch the fireworks that were going on in Kingston, and celebrated as well with sparklers.
{pic with sparklers}
Ah, to be children again. Summer is here to stay!

By Andrew Burrows
Date Added: July 6, 2015 | Comments (0) | Filed under: Living with Yoga,Shanti's Retreat Offerings
Reuniting with Yoga, with Loren Crawford
The witty and charming Loren Crawford and his yogis from Ottawa just left the Island yesterday with big smiles on their faces after a Thursday to Sunday stay with us. Guests left feeling rested, rejuvenated, enlivened and informed, after a full weekend of practice and self-inquiry. Throughout the weekend, Loren’s offerings included meaningful discussions and lectures on tantra and ayurveda, and these teachings were beautifully interwoven into his asana classes in the yurt. Guests learned about how to practice and live in a way that respects their unique ayurvedic constitutions, as well as how to use aromatherapy and essential oils as medicine.

It is inspiring and also hopeful to witness how yoga in the west has continued to unfold; it is coming full circle, I feel. “A yoga retreat is a catalyst for healing and change,” writes Loren. When yoga first arrived in the West, most of its roots made it here, for it was initially practiced in a way that closely resembled the sacred Eastern practice and way of life. As time went on, and as we have evolved into an appearance-focused, fitness-friendly, consumerist society, a lot of what yoga once was has dissolved. Yoga has become commercial, and a business, and something to invest in. But what a lot of practitioners in the West today are forgetting is the original flavour of yoga, the original investment: an investment in and a compassionate connection to the self, to the heart, to stillness. The word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit root yuji, which means “to join” or “to yoke” – merging and uniting opposites into a sacred Oneness; finding centeredness amidst polarities; sensing peace within chaos. Yoga is a conscious connection, and awareness is the secret of yoga. Loren’s retreat this past weekend had a way of bringing Shanti guests back to the core of yoga, through the open and safe space for discussion and inquiry provided all weekend. It is warming to see and to feel the origins of yoga being reignited here in the West.
It was lovely to have Loren back on the Island again this season, and we look forward to having him back next season for further yogic investigation and inquiry.
Date Added: June 16, 2015 | Comments (0) | Filed under: Shanti's Retreat Offerings