Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana ~ King Pigeon Pose

As a Yogini along this path I am constantly focused on embodying grace and ease, not just in poses, but in life.
This pose, for me, really represents these qualities, needing the strength of the spine and ease of hips and quadriceps, with a gaze up to the Heavens. I actually really like to call this pose Majestic Swan instead, because when you think of a swan you associate these traits to her.
You also need nice mobile shoulders and an open chest, which allows the breath to flow even more fluidity through and into the lungs. When I think of a swan, I associate that proud, majestic quality, but they glide along the water with such grace, barely making ripples on the surface.
I know that just underneath the surface, their feet are moving, so their apparent stillness or lack of movement, is an illusion. Such like the breath, its constant movement keeps us ‘afloat’, creates inner stillness, and anchored in ease and grace.
Megan Campbell

Th is pose is about grounding down and shining out. Warrior 2 is a powerful pose to increase strength and endurance in the body.
It builds fire and heat as you hold and go deeper. It is a wonderful opportunity to pause, slow down and connect with your gaze.
In your physical body the benefits include stronger arms and legs, open hips and chest, and a longer spine.
On a deeper level this pose is about presence, breath, and connection to yourself.
I love this pose because I can find a sense of expansion and freedom. Also the power I gain access to in stillness.
Tap into the Warrior in you with this pose - Virabhadrasana 2: Pose of the Warrior
Tree Pose

Tree Pose (Vrksasana) is a beautiful representation of the balance and harmony we receive through regular practice of Yoga. A simple standing pose brings our minds to a single-pointed focus, allowing us to be present. The more we can practice presence the clearer our lives become. Tree pose builds strength and stamina on a physical level and increases confidence. Arms up, hands in prayer position in front of the chest, or on the hips; bent-leg foot at the lower leg, upper leg or even with toes resting on the mat, heel to ankle- are variations to play with in this lovely pose.
Yoga Retreat with Loren Crawford and Roxanne Joly
May 31st-June 2nd 2013