Permaculture Education at Shanti Retreat
In one month, we will be welcoming Kenton, a permaculture designer who will be volunteering at Shanti as well as offering a mid-week retreat.
Hi there,
I’d like to tell you a story.
My name is Kenton Zerbin and like you, when I was younger I also was questioning
how I was going to find my lot in life. I questioned the educational systems I was going
through and society itself when all I heard in the world news was how much we have
messed things up. I got deeply depressed, several times. I felt disconnected with my
own potential, confused about what I was to do and how. What I really needed was
a sense of direction, a sense of meaning, of purpose. I needed to feel like I belonged,
with a community of people who belonged HERE on this spot of earth, on this planet
within a larger community of life. I realize now that what I needed was harmony.
I didn’t find it. Everywhere I looked I found the hussle and bussle of everyone trying to
become or be a “productive member of society.” But they were all a farse. They moved
like automatons, for the sake of obtaining more, more, more when they actually had
less, less and less. I felt alienated. And all I got from friends, family and mentors was
this push to get busy; to find a job, get a car, get married, get a house, have kids, raise
them and then die in a retirement home. It was like being told to get on a stationary
bike knowing you will never get off.

I don’t think anyone ever realized how much of a dreamer I was. This was shaped by my parents, a social worker/foster parent and a police officer, who always pushed us kids to “Leave the kitchen cleaner than you found it.” I grew up having five adopted siblings, four biological siblings and over a hundred foster siblings. And I am blessed because of it. I know what makes a home, the power of connection, of community.
I know what unites us, not what divides us. My parents worked with pure intentions and from within the inspiring cause of service, but I saw the reactionary nature of their work. They were always addressing the symptoms of the larger problem, not the cause;
they were trying to catch those who slipped through the cracks, but the cracks are never filled. I dreamed “I’m going to leave this place better then when I found it.” More than anything, I was craving to find ANY answer to do just that.
However, I believed the lie that money and “stuff” would make me happy. I got educated, got a job, got a car, a girlfriend and an apartment. I then proceeded to fill that apartment with stuff. But buying stuff to make me happy was like taping sandwiches to my body because I was hungry. I remember one time when it was really bad – when I hit rock bottom. I was substitute teaching, sitting at home dressed up like
some friendly business man, but I had no business. For two weeks I got up, dressed up and sat waiting for the call to work. I was depressed. I needed money. I wanted to feel productive. I needed purpose. But what I ACTUALLY needed was support, was someone to stop me from spinning my wheels, to stop me from spinning on that stationary bike. I really wish I’d known someone who actually was making the world
better then when they found it.
In going through that time, I got very good at finding the little things in life that made me truly happy. Learning, building community, giving myself to others and providing for those I cared about. Moments in which I tapped into these were like sunshine breaking
through dark clouds. I would bask in that light and then it would pass till the next opportunity to push the clouds aside came again. I also became good at being smart with my money, at asking myself, “Do I need this thing, this stuff?” I thus learned a lot
about the wasteful nature of society, of how much we consume, consume, consume and how very little we as individuals produce. I learned I was ashamed of my lack of ability to produce for my own needs or the needs of others. I was ashamed of my own
consumer lifestyle and it enveloped me completely. But in every dark cloud is a silver lining and behind the depressing truths of this way of life I found I was not alone. Many are inside looking out. People are inherently good, with good intentions, and they want
to live a good life. I found out we are not humanity, we are but one culture, albeit a mono-culture, but this one culture can learn, change, adapt. We have a physical world and world of other cultures to learn from. There is hope.
For years, before I saw that hope, I used my love of learning and being a part of community in a way that was unhelpful to my life. I would read for escapism, a way to get above the dark clouds through a fictitious character’s existence. Escapism came in many forms and when I discovered them I would abuse them. I got into online video games and found there a community, which as fun as it was, was only accessible through a screen. I also tread a dangerous line travelling; between travelling for the love of it and travelling to not go back to where I came from. Because of my escapist behaviour I grew further away from the world I wanted to change, and I went through
cycles of shame and guilt which made me want to enter my escapes all the more.
But, now that I’ve matured and learned, I’m finding that I can use the same desire to learn and be a part of community to build something with others and leave the world better then when I found it. I can share what I’ve learned, share my life experience and relate to others who feel the same or could go down as similar path. I can teach a way of living that fills people with purpose and hope.
In struggling to overcome this all I have learned a lot about the purpose of life, our human nature and world of nature we are nestled in on this beautiful planet of green and blue. We are all connected, every action has a reaction. We produce our thoughts and we are the product of our thoughts. Our environment shapes us and we shape our environment. Everything is connected.
I can also remember the turning point for me when I stopped feeling defeated and started to have hope again that something else was possible. I was in a University course called “The History of Curriculum”. The course challenged us as teachers to think critically about what has been decided that the youths of tomorrow should know. And, almost more importantly, what wasn’t taught. After a
thought provoking lecture I was feeling dejected with my profession as a teacher. I had gone into teaching to make a difference in the world and now I was being told I was perpetuating the very system I wanted to change. The hallway leaving the lecture seemed abnormally long and as I walked without energy I saw a free guest lecture event. It was titled “Permaculture!” and it it was for becoming what I call now, a “life designer.” My interest was piqued so I walked in and took a seat. As the words fell out of the speakers mouth I nearly fell out of my seat. Sitting on the edge, I followed every single word. It resonated with me and that gap, that gap in me which had been
aching to be filled all these years. “Excitement” does not even begin to convey what I felt as the lecture drew to a close. It was like I had chugged an entire pot of coffee. My mind raised, my palms were sweaty, and I wanted to do something! BUT… we were forewarned by the speaker. He warned us that what he had shared with us, what we now wanted to go home and share with our spouses, families and friends, well… it would likely be received like the water shaken off a wet dog. Even if I was in the right mental space for that three hour lecture to shape my life, that doesn’t mean it translates to others for where they are at. But for me, a seed of hope was planted that
I nurtured the seed. I signed up for the 2 week course to become certified in permaculture design. I learned how permaculture isn’t rocket science, in fact, it is best described as “common sense design for person and a place.” It was about having the humility to learn and relearn so much about life. In those two weeks I learned more than I could have possibly absorbed. However, what I did learn was two vital &
humbling lessons: 1) the more you know, the more you know how much you do not know & 2) community is the answer. I walked away from that course feeling like I had been transmuted from lead to gold. I shined and it showed. I started to help others.
I went on to teach permaculture at the High School as a lunch hour club. And yet… I wasn’t quite there yet. I knew that that was not where my future was. To the core of being, I felt I could, and would, inspire others. Many others. Why go small? I wanted to reach a global audience with the positive social change my words could inspire. I wanted to share something more important than any curriculum I had ever seen.
The passion was there, the vision was there, the ability to teach was there. And yet, I did not feel ready. Dressing up for work every day in my shirt and tie, driving to and fro, living in an apartment in the city with little access to land. I felt I would be a but a sham if I did the talk but did not do the walk. Cognizant of the gap in my skill and experience I decided that upon the end of my teaching contract I would go work on permaculture farms across Canada in order to empower myself with skills, knowledge and confidence. But when that teaching contract finished, it was as if the universe had aligned with my intention, for I was granted the opportunity to go to Australia and learn
from the forerunners of permaculture, from my teacher’s teacher, and even his teacher!
From these inspired and inspiring minds I further clarified who I was, my place in the world and my path ahead. My path lay in being a catalyst for positive change in the world and the people of society today had better be ready, because I was coming.
The superpower it’s all given me is I now actively design my own life, help others find purpose and I design abundant systems flourishing with life. I help others to do the same and together, design community. As I look back now, I can see that that my
whole life has been circling around that question of “how do we live?” My whole life I’ve been struggling to weave together the answers for how to transition to some better way of life, of how to reach others and with them, leave the world better then when we
found it.
I just wanted to take a moment to write and let you know that you’re not alone. And that things get better. From the top of the mountain I can see the path I took to get here and I want to share it with you. I want to show you the way, and give you a hand up. Even though the path beat me up, I feel grateful for all of it because it made me into the hopeful dreamer and appreciative community man I am today. It brought me to you.
Thank you for listening to my story, let’s build life together.
With love,
Date Added: April 30, 2013 | Comments (0) | Filed under: Green Living,Living Seasonally & Locally
Asana of the Week with Ken and Lesli from Kripalu
Twisted Roots

Twisted Roots relaxes tension in the muscles and meridians. It is one of our favorite poses to end a yin yoga practice or a more active yang yoga practice, as it relieves any strains or kinks in the body, and prepares you for a deep yoga nidra, or guided relaxation.
In this variation of Twisted Roots, Lesli brings her right leg over the left and then brings both legs to the right in the knee down position. For an easy pose, the left foot can remain on the floor. For a deeper twist both feet can come off the floor by lifting the knees toward the chest and then rotating the lower body into the pose.
You can experiment with how high the knees are drawn up and how to place the arms in order to vary the effect of the twist on the torso and spine. In this pose, Lesli’s right arm supports her legs, while the left arm stretches out at shoulder height, or at a diagonal near the ear. For an easier pose on the shoulder, the arm stays near the body palm up.
Hold the pose a minute for beginners, or more for advanced practitioners. Repeat on the other side. Be aware that twisting can challenge the spinal discs. If you have a disc injury, consult your medical professional before practicing yoga or other physical exercise. Enjoy deep breathing throughout your practice.
Ken and Lesli
Thank you to Ken and Lesli for an amazing retreat weekend, April 26-28, 2013
Ken Nelson, PhD, is a senior Kripalu program director dedicated to transforming the ways we
serve and lead through yoga, mind-body practices, and the wisdom traditions. His CD Yin Yoga
and NEW Guided Relaxation (Yoga Nidra) series are Kripalu best sellers.
Lesli Lang has a performing arts background and a lifetime of yoga and meditation. She leads
retreats and workshops worldwide and enjoys supporting people in their quest for authenticity,
freedom and full self-expression.
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Asana of the Week: Wendy’s Favorite Heart Opener
Bhujangasana – Cobra pose

In Sanskrit bhujang means cobra and asana means pose, so this is the pose of the cobra or the cobra pose.
Energetically, this pose works on anahata, the heart chakra. Cosmic/Universal energy descends directly to the level of the heart
while Earth energy rises thru the legs and spine to this level of your being.
The yogis say it is a very balancing pose. Thus, whenever someone is psychologically imbalanced, they recommend performing bhujangasana; it is a wonderful asana for harmonizing and balancing the being.
Physiologically the pose also has many effects and benefits;
- brings increased flexibility to the spine
- by increasing the intra abdominal pressure it helps to relieve constipation and stimulate the liver, spleen, pancreas and gallbladder
- It has a beneficial effect on the kidneys
- for women, it is a wonderful pose since it brings increased blood supply to the ovaries and uterus, and helps to regulate the menstrual
- in advanced performances, the pose also has the mild effect of arousing Kundalini shakti (that is sleeping dormant in muladhara
You will also discover, that with repeated practice and when it is held for long periods of time, it will generate a specific state of
mind. Not only do you start to feel energy at the level of the heart chakra but a certain emotional state of mind or mood also appears.
Since bhujangasana is a pose which opens the heart, experience reveals that you feel a state of love. What are you in love with? An affective
mood without any object – a feeling of love towards everyone, and everything everywhere. There is an emotional mood of
unconditional/universal love.
Date Added: April 26, 2013 | Comments (0) | Filed under: Living with Yoga
Celebrating Divine Mother Earth
It doesn’t get much better than being surrounded by friends, enjoying nourishing food and practicing restorative yoga – all in honor of Earth Day, on Monday April 22nd.
Our Earth Day celebration was an opportunity for us to share with the community what matters to us most:
~Seasonal, organic, wholesome meals prepared with love, joy and gratitude;
~A yoga practice that allows us to open our hearts and connect with our Divine Self;
~Our love for the environment and everything natural
The meals at Shanti are always nourishing and delicious, but what was extra special for Earth Day was the 4 course “EARTH-AIR-WATER-FIRE” menu.

The FIRE element was a Fire Roasted Tomato-Mushroom Rosemary Soup. The day before Earth Day, the Shanti Kitchen fire roasted Canadian tomatoes on the grill and canned them. The next day we added garlic and shallots from Vicki’s Veggies (Picton) as well as Ontario mushrooms, fresh rosemary, organic vegetable stock and Organic Meadows cream. According to the guests, this soup – served with the AIR element Herb Garden Biscuits with Garlic Butter- was the favorite dish of the night.

The Earth element was stuffed acorn squash with quinoa, kale and chickpeas and topped with roasted hazelnuts. The WATER element was a delicious mixed greens salad topped with red cabbage, cucumber, water chestnuts, blue cheese and orange slices tossed in a citrus vinaigrette.

Now, let’s not forget dessert (We saved the best for last). There’s no better way to get connected with the earth than to enjoy some soil and dirt for dessert…okay well not exactly, but that’s the look we were going for. Rosemary planted in Chocolate pudding and cookies. Check out the recipe below, you’ll never believe it!

After digesting dinner, we made our way to the yurt for a candle light restorative yoga class that was led with the most appropriate music. The class focused on each element (air, water, fire, earth) and the associated chakras. It was an opportunity to open our hearts with the Air Chakra, Anahata, to ground down through our roots with Earth Chakra, Muladhara, to awaken our digestive fire with Manipura Chakra and to flow with Water Chakra, Svadhisthana.
And we can’t forget our last earth element…what’s a celebration without a homemade center piece?

Decoration we used to table centerpiece and candle light yoga in the yurt.
Thank you to everyone who made Earth Day the great success it was. Thank you to Wendy and Darin for providing us with the great space, to Lacey and her kitchen team of Karma Yogis for preparing the delicious meal and for teaching the yoga class. Thank you Andrea for capturing this special evening and providing us with such beautiful photos. We look forward to next year!
Earth Day Chocolate Pudding
1/4 cup almond butter
1/4 cup agave
1/2 cup water
1/8 cup cocoa powder
small pinch sea salt
1 medium avocado
1 tablespoon coconut oil (I used coconut butter)
1 teaspoon vanilla
Directions: Throw all ingredients into a food processor and process until smooth.
Inspired by the blog “Oh She Glows”
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“This was my first detox…” Shanti Retreat’s At-Home Detox Challenge
First off a huge thank you for including us in the Shanti Detox Challenge. I have never done a ‘detox’ before and the idea of doing one brought many questions but it also brought some fear. When I saw that this detox included various whole grains and proteins, not just ‘juicing’ your foods, I was relived and more open to reading about this and perhaps participating. Following along with those at the Shanti Retreat made me feel like I was part of the community and even though I wasn’t present in body, I was there in soul.
The posts on the Facebook pages of Shanti Retreat, Andrea’s Body and Balance and your inspirational e-mails were really inspirational. I loved receiving your recipes and have tried a few already!

Pad Thai in the Raw
I have to admit, the first day was tough – I am an avid coffee drinker and love to indulge in my favorite frozen yogurts at night for my snack. The absence of this on Thursday required two Advil tablets. On Friday I woke up feeling stronger and more aware of my being. With combinations of foods you suggested, plus an increase in kale, spinach, soaked almonds, roasted vegetables, I felt energized and slept so well. My yoga practice felt like I was dancing and I felt the courage to try poses that I never did before.
Am I changing my food habits to just eating raw foods? No, but I now have a new appreciation for different vegetables and experienced first hand what nourishment my body needs to feel alive and in harmony. It’s amazing how fresh squeezed lemon and grated ginger make an impact and can liven everything up.
This morning I started my day with hot water, lemon juice, turmeric, grated ginger and some honey. Some habits are meant to stay:)
Peace and love,
Date Added: April 19, 2013 | Comments (0) | Filed under: Shanti Kitchen
Parivrtta Trikonasana – Revolved Triangle with Andrea Robertson

My love of Revolved Triangle came after years of practicing yoga and trying to open my tight overworked running muscles. I finally was able to hold comfortably the pose after struggling with it for years, and it became a key part of my home practice to open my chest, shoulders and upper back along with stretching my very tight calves, hamstrings and hips. Another few bonuses of the pose is its challenge on my balance while strengthening my feet, ankles and arches. This pose is perfect to balance out my running, cross-country skiing and cycling.
Andrea Robertson hosted an Enlivening Detox Retreat at Shanti Retreat April 11th-14th along with Naturopathic Doctor, Kristy Lewis. Andrea is a yoga teacher and personal trainer in Ottawa. For more information about her classes and retreats, see her website
Date Added: April 15, 2013 | Comments (0) | Filed under: Living with Yoga
Asana of the Week with Mona Warner
Vajrasana – diamond / thunderbolt / adamantine pose
Mona Warner, ERYT500, CYA-E-RYT500
Janati Yoga School, RYS500, CYA-RYS500
After about 10 years of doing yoga, I started to get pain in the back of my hips. Turns out that for those who sit in chairs for years and then start to do yoga, this is a common challenge. We go from sitting in chairs, to sitting cross legged on floors which can aggravate the S-I joints. S-I stands for “sacro-illiac”, and is where the sacrum connects to the ilia. There are two SI joints; one on the right and one on the left hand side of the back of the pelvis.
I realized that I needed a new meditation posture so that I could focus on something other than the discomfort in my hips. This is when I be-friended vajrasana.
I like to get into Diamond pose from kneeling. I bring my big toes together, then sit my hips back to my heels. I stack my shoulders above my hips and lengthen my spine in between. I like having my hands in my lap, so my shoulders can relax. I find it easier to maintain a neutral spine in this shape.
I appreciate the simplicity and stability of this shape, especially during times of transition. It allows me to feel steady, grounded and centered amidst the changes and glorious chaos life brings my way. The idea behind the name is that we are strong and steady like a diamond or adamantine. The posture is thought to strengthen and stabilize both the body (especially from the belly down to the ankles and feet) and the mind.
Modifications include:
- using a block between the ankles to take the weight of the pelvis and torso off the joints of the legs and feet
- using a folded blanket between the thighs and calves to reduce the pressure in the knees
- kneeling on a folded blanket with the tops of the feet off the blanket to reduce pressure in the ankles
- using a small cushion in the laps to support the arms and relax the shoulders
Like all poses, this one isn’t for everyone. However it is definitely worth an exploration. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
Mona Warner – Spring Retreat weekend with Yoga Nidra
April 5th -7th, Shanti Retreat, Wolfe Island
Date Added: April 7, 2013 | Comments (0) | Filed under: Living with Yoga
A Shanti “Field” Trip…our love for local, seasonal & tasty food
All of the members of our Shanti Retreat “family” love the idea of eating locally and seasonally. We are all aware of the many benefits for our health, our community and our beautiful, Divine Mother Earth.But…. do we love it enough to get our hands dirty and harvest it in this joyous “spring weather?” YOU BET!
Wednesday April 3 we enjoyed a true field to table experience after visiting Vicki’s Veggies in Picton, Prince Edward County.

You must be wondering “how is it possible to harvest veggies after this long, never ending winter and cool, crisp spring?” Vicki’s Veggies has the answer and they are truly so innovative when it comes to growing food. I could never explain the extent of their operations but what I do know is that I love the idea of the hoop house which allows them to successfully plant and grow their food much earlier (which allows us and Shanti Guests to also enjoy the bounty!)

I can’t sugar coat our experience at all; it was super windy and really cold on the hands, but… we loved every minute of it! We especially appreciated our work when we got home and enjoyed a gigantic, delicious spinach salad!
Darin harvesting spinach at Vicki’s Veggies in Picton
Lacey, Vicky & Wendy on a spinach mission…despite the strong winds
We also picked up some garlic, shallots and freshly harvested parsnip. Next, the Shanti Kitchen will make a rosemary -parsnip soup with a recipe recommended by Vicki which uses sap instead of stock (oh yes.. we are so lucky, Vicki tapped a tree for us and gave us a big bucket of sap and some dried rosemary for the soup…pictures to follow!)
Vicki’s Veggies is located 65 miles from Shanti Retreat, Wolfe Island…and this we like! Vicki’s Veggies is not “Certified Organic” but they use organic potting soil, buy mostly organic seeds (never treated or genetically engineered) and they don’t use synthetic fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides…and this we like! However, they are ”Certified Local Sustainable” which means they are dedicated to providing nutritious food and sustaining a healthy environement…AND THIS WE ALSO LIKE!

Thank you Vicki’s Veggies for Shanti’s first (of many more to come) Field to Table experience of our 2013 season! We are looking forward to serving the Spinach for our Saturday Morning Brunch – baked eggs with spinach, salsa and goat cheese!
Date Added: April 4, 2013 | Comments (0) | Filed under: Living Seasonally & Locally